Programme: CBC SRB-MNE 2014-2020
Call for Proposals: 2nd
Contract No. 48-00-00079/2019-28-9 signed on 08/07/2021
Project Title: CULT Bike Route
Specific objective of the Programme: 3.1. Improving capacities for exploiting tourism potentials of the programme area
Programmes’ result: 3.1.1: Joint tourist products enhanced
Project budget: Total contract amount (€): Contracted amount

EU (€) and % of total contract amount:


254,748.00 (84,94%)
Beneficiaries of funds: Lead applicant: Co-applicants:
· Ministry of education, science, culture and sports of Montenegro, Cetinje, Montenegro


· NGO “DISCOVER SERBIA”, Priboj, Serbia

· Student organization of the faculty of transport and traffic engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

Location of the action: SRB: MNE:
Municipalities Ivanjica, Raška, Novi Pazar, Tutin, Nova Varoš, Priboj Municipalities Rožaje, Berane, Kolašin, Pljevlja, Bijelo Polje, Mojkovac
Target groups: –        12 municipalities along the CULT Bike Route

–        14 touristic organisations

–        40 cultural heritage sites along the CULT Bike Route

–        30 promoters of the CULT Bike Route

–        Applicants: 1 Governmental Body and 2 NGOs

Commencement date and project duration: 15/07/2021, 24 months
Overall objective: Improving capacities for exploiting tourism potentials of the programme area
Specific objective(s): Joint tourist products developed
Estimated results: R1: Developed new cultural cycle route – CULT Bike Route – linking Eurovelo 8 with Eurovelo 6/11

R2: Improved infrastructure for cycling

R3: Preparation and dissemination of the CULT Bike Route proportional material

R4: Promotion of the route

Main activities

(in relation to the estimated results of the action):

A 1.1. Analysis of the cultural sites in the programme eligible zone

A1.2. Analiysis of the most advantageous alignment for cycling between Euro Velo 6/11(SRB) and Euro Velo 8 (MNE)

A2.1. Improvement of cycling signage along the most advantageous route eligible zone

A2.2. Implementation of bike rent/share system with e-bikes mountain bikes with belonging facilities along the CULT Bike route in the eligible zone

A2.3. Development of web-app for CULT Bike route –

A2.4. Development of bed and bike website/app – fed with data from the eligible zone

A2.5. Update of the existing bed and bike website/app – with data from the eligible zone

A2.6 Rehabilitation and equipping object in Bijelo Polje – establishment of the first cyclo-hotel in wider region

A3.1 Preparation and dissemination of hard copy and electronic joint promotional material based on the outputs of Results 1 and Results 2

A4.1. Promotional bike tour along the CULT Bike route

A4.2. Promotion of the CULT Bike route internationally

A4.3. Conducting of quarterly meetings for stakeholders ffrom the eligible programme zone

A4.4. Organisation of joint opening and closing press confereces