Programme: CBC SRB-MNE 2014-2020
Call for Proposals: 3rd
Contract No. 48-00-00163/2021-28-5  signed on 18/04/2023
Project Title: BEST Waste management cooperation – Better Environment Sustainability Through Waste Management Cooperation
Specific objective of the Programme: 2.1 Improving waste management and waste water treatment
Programmes’ result: 2.1.1. – Improved capacities of the municipalities and public utility companies for effective and efficient waste management and wastewater treatment
Project budget: Total contract amount (€):


Contracted amount

EU (€)


% of total contract amount:

374,826.35 318,602.40


Beneficiaries of funds: Lead applicant: Co-applicants:
SRB: National Alliance for Local Economic Development, NALED



– Centre for eco-toxicological research LLC Podgorica (CETI)

– Opština Mojkovac


– PUC “Gradska čistoća” Novi Pazar

Location of the action: SRB:  MNE: 
Novi Pazar, Tutin Mojkovac, Kolašin, Bijelo Polje
Target groups: Municipalities and their public utility companies of Mojkovac, Kolašin and Bijelo Polje in Montenegro, and Novi Pazar and Tutin in Serbia. The local population in the targeted municipalities, with a focus on vulnerable groups in these municipalities. CSOs in these municipalities
Commencement date and project duration: 19/04/2023, 24 months
Overall objective: Improving waste management in the cross-border region in Serbia and Montenegro
Specific objective(s): 1. Improved capacities of the municipalities and public utility companies for waste collection and primary selection

2. Awareness on the importance of waste management raised

Estimated results: 1.1: Improved knowledge of relevant actors on waste management and the regulatory framework in line with EU requirements

1.2: Municipalities and public utility companies use the new equipment for managing their waste

2.1: Awareness raised on the importance of waste management in target municipalities for citizens and CSOs

Main activities

(in relation to the estimated results of the action):

1.1.1: Developing joint solutions for effective waste management

1.1.2: Exchange of experience and capacity building for public utility companies to introduce waste collection and separation solutions

1.2.1: Equipping municipalities for primary waste collection and selection and piloting the „two-bins“ model

2.1.1: Awareness raising and education campaign for citizens and CSOs