Programme: CBC SRB-MNE 2014-2020
Call for Proposals: 1st
Application No: 57-13
Contract No. 48-00-00047/2016-28-3 signed on 30/12/2018
Project Title: Craftsman project
Specific objective of the Programme: 1.1: Increasing employability and employment opportunities
Programmes’ result: 1: New knowledge, skills and competences
Project budget: Total contract amount (€): Contracted amount

EU (€)


% of total contract amount:

193.466,70 164.446,70


Beneficiaries of funds: Lead applicant: Co-applicants:
Municipality of Rožaje SRB:

  • Municipality of Sjenica
  • Public institution Vocational high school ‘’Technical-agricultural school’’ in Sjenica


  • Public institution Vocational high school Rožaje
Location of the action: SRB: MNE:
South west Serbia, Sjenica North Montenegro, Rožaje
Target groups: Unemployed women and men; unemployed craftsmen in Rozaje and Sjenica municipalities.
Commencement date and project duration: 31/12/2018-31/05/2020, 17 months
Overall objective: Promotion of employment and labor mobility in cross-border area by increasing employability and employment opportunities for craftsmen.
Specific objective(s): SO 1: To increase employability and employment opportunities of craftsmen in Rozaje and Sjenica through capacity building and mentoring.

SO 2: Creation of supportive environment for potential and new craftsmen entrepreneurs, through establishment of new services in the local self-governments and adoption of local strategic documents.

Estimated results: R1: Improved craftsmen’s qualifications and competences, harmonized with labour market needs and new trends;

R2: Provided mentoring support to trained craftsmen;

R3: Prepared and issued learning materials for starting and developing business in accordance with relevant legislation, regulation and best practice;

R4: ‘’Craftsmen week’’ organized in the cross-border area due to promote traditional crafts;

R5: Established new services for promotion and support of craftsmen in the municipalities of Rožaje and Sjenica

R6: Strategies for promotion of craftsmanship in Rožaje and Sjenica adopted by the local self-governments

Main activities

(in relation to the estimated results of the action):

A1.1. Training programme on entrepreneurial knowledge and ECDL;

A1.2. Educational materials for craftsmanship and entrepreneurship;

A1.3. Mentoring services for unemployed craftsman;

A.2.1. Organisation of the ‘’Craftsman cross-border week’’;

A.2.2. Development of joint portal for presentation of the crafts;

A.3.1. Establishment of Offices for promotion and support for craftsmanship in the municipalities of Rožaje and Sjenica.

A.3.2. Adoption of the Strategies for promotion of craftsmanship in Rožaje and Sjenica by the local self-governments