Name of institution *
Project idea related to specific objective: *---1.1: Increasing employability and employment opportunities1.2: Strengthening social and cultural inclusion of vulnerable groups2.1: Improving waste management and wastewater treatment (WWT) in the programme area2.2: Protecting nature resources3.1: Improving capacities for exploiting tourism potentials of the programme area
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Type of institution ---Central, regional and local government unitsLocal tourist organisations, hoteliers associationsCivil society organisations, Non-governmental organizationsOrganizations responsible for providing social and health servicesAssociations of SMEs, Chambers of Commerce and Chambers of Crafts and TradesFormal and non-formal education and training institutions, (RDI) institutionsCultural institutions such as museums, libraries, orchestras, etcEmergency services, Red cross and Red crescent organizations, International org.Agencies for local or regional developmentNational Parks, Public utility companies controlled by government unitsNational and reg. centres for disaster managementAssociations related to agricultural production and farmers associations
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Country ---SerbiaMontenegro