In Pljevlja, on March 14th, 2025, in the Hall of Pljevlja Municipality Assembly, the Second National Conference was held as part of the implementation of “Youth Start-Up” project, which the Municipality of Pljevlja, as the lead partner, implements together with two project partners – the NGO “ADP-Zid” from Montenegro and the Municipality of Sjenica from the Republic of Serbia.

“Youth Start Up” project started on October 2nd, 2023 and is implemented within the Third Call of the Cross-border cooperation Programme Serbia-Montenegro 2014-2020. The duration of the project is 24 months, the total amount of the project is 250,495.56 Euros.

The Second National Conference was organized as one of the activities of the “Youth Start Up” project and brought together a large number of guests: the State Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water of Montenegro, representatives of the Municipality of Pljevlja, the Head of the Employment Agency of Montenegro – Regional Unit of Pljevlja for the municipalities: Pljevlja and Žabljak, representatives of the project partners – NGO “ADP-Zid” and the Municipality of Sjenica, a guest from the program region, a representative of UNDP, business entities and educational institutions, as well as media representatives. This event aimed to inform target groups and potential stakeholders, as well as the general public, about the overall and specific objectives and expected results of the project, as well as to inform about the first year of project implementation and the upcoming activities.

In the second part of the Conference, the presentation of the project and the project ideas, activities and objectives foreseen by the project were presented by members of the Project Team.

In the third part of the Conference, successful entrepreneurs and young people from Pljevlja with innovative ideas presented their entrepreneurial experience and their future plans.