In the period from November 7 to 9, 2022, the NGO FORS Montenegro organized a training for doctors in Kolašina on the topic Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cervical, vaginal and vulva cancer, which was attended by 20 doctors from Serbia and Montenegro.
The main project activities include the organization of preventive examinations, procurement of new equipment and vehicles for public health institutions in the target area, training for the use of new equipment, cross-border training for medical personnel on topics related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast and cervical cancer, lectures for women and youth on the topic of reproductive health, conducting research on knowledge and habits related to reproductive health, a campaign to raise the level of citizens’ awareness, creating publications on the importance of healthy lifestyles, preventive breast examinations and gynecological examinations, a cross-border conference on the topic of improving reproductive health, etc.
As a part of preventive campaing aganist breast cancer a publication was prepared which is avaliable at following link: Breast cancer brocure
The training was organized within the cross-border project “IMPORTANT – Improvement of Reproductive Health in Montenegro and Serbia”. The goal of this important project is to improve the quality and availability of services in the field of reproductive health and the level of awareness of the population about the importance of healthy lifestyles and prevention in preserving reproductive health.
The project is implemented in partnership by the NGO FORS Montenegro – Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro in cooperation with the Health Center Novi Pazar, within the IPA Cross-border Cooperatin Programme Serbia – Montenegro 2014 – 2020.