The Municipality of Gusinje (MNE) and the Municipality of Ivanjica (SRB) today, June 5, marked the World Environment Day through the implementation of several activities within the project “Clean community for a sustainable environment and nature – CLEAN”. In elementary schools in Gusinje and Ivanjica, June 5th was marked by organizing an Eco quiz with students from 7th to 9th and 6th to 8th grades. The Eco Quiz aimed to enable students to demonstrate their knowledge of ecology and sustainable development, but also to provide a chance to qualify for participation in Eco Camps that will be organized as part of the project in both municipalities in the coming period. A total of 90 students from 4 elementary schools took part in the quiz.

Also, the murals painted on the walls of two schools in these municipalities were officially presented today, and will serve as a visual reminder to future generations about the importance of environmental protection. Murals attract attention and raise awareness among students, teachers and passers-by about environmental issues, but they can also convey important messages about environmental protection, recycling, energy conservation, biodiversity and other environmental topics.

The schools that participated in the implementation of the eco quiz in the municipality of Ivanjica are: Elementary School “Milinko Kušić”, Elementary School “Kirilo Savić” and Elementary School “Sreten Lazarevic”, and in the Municipality of Gusinje, Elementary School participated “Džafer Nikočević”.

The CLEAN project is implemented by the mentioned two municipalities, and is co-financed by the European Union within the financial instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) through the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia – Montenegro 2014-2020. The contract for co-financing with the funds of the European Union was signed with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia – Sector for contracting and financing programs from the EU funds.

The implementation of the project began on December 24, 2022 and will last two years, until December 23, 2024. The total value of the project is 389,635 euros, of which the contribution of the European Union is 330,800 euros.