The project ‘Borders that connect’ – Initiative to enhance the employability of persons with mental disabilities (PwMD) in Serbia and Montenegro, is an initiative aimed at improving the employment of people with mental disabilities in Serbia and Montenegro. The goal of the project is the integration of people with mental disabilities into the working environment, which improves their quality of life and encourages social inclusion. This project is implemented by three organizations: NGO Impuls from Nikšić, PI Day center for children with disabilities and people with disabilities Nikšić and Humanitarian organisation „Child’s Heart“.

One of the key activities within the project is the picking of medicinal plants, which is carried out by project beneficiaries with the help of licensed mentors. This innovative approach to work engagement combines elements of work in nature with the improvement of social skills, which will ultimately result in the employment of people with mental disabilities in the open labor market.

The project team is actively working to establish contacts with local employers. The goal is to inform employers about the possibilities and advantages of employing people with mental disabilities. In this sense, numerous contacts and preliminary discussions were carried out, during which employers were familiarized with the results of previous activities, the course of training and the realization of the activities of picking medicinal herbs, packaging and presentation at fairs.

One of the significant activities was a visit to the Etno village of Brezna, which is located between the municipalities of Plužine and Nikšić. During this visit, the owners of Ethno Village were discussed about the advantages of employing people with disabilities.

The “Borders that connect” project represents a significant step towards better integration of people with mental disabilities into society. Through education, practical work and the active involvement of employers, the project contributes to the creation of an inclusive work environment in Serbia and Montenegro. The European Union, through the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Montenegro, provides financial support that is crucial for the implementation of such initiatives and the improvement of the position of persons with disabilities in the region.