Information sessions

The main goal of the mentioned events was to provide detailed information to potential applicants concerning the rules of the call and detailed information on the Application package.

Around 90 persons, representatives of governmental agencies, municipal authorities, local institutions, organizations related to regional development, cultural and educational institutions, NGO’s and tourism oriented organizations from the Programme eligible area took participation in information sessions.

In welcoming introduction, Tijana  Ljiljanić, coordinator of the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Montenego, Ministry for European Integration Montenegro, reminded that the Cross-border programme Serbia – Montenegro addresses the need to develop and strengthen cross-border connections with the aim of promoting good neighbourly relations and the sustainable economic and social development in the Serbia – Montenegro border area.

Information sessionsThe overall Strategic Objective of the programme is to bring together the people, communities and economies of the border area to jointly participate in the development of a cooperative area, using its human, natural, cultural and economic resources and advantages – Denis Slatina, Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat for the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Montenegro specified in his presentation of the Guidelines for Grant Applicants;

Presentations were made by:

The Logical Framework Approach was presented by Mirjana Nožić, Head of Unit for IPA-IPA Cross-border Programmes;

Presentation of the Application Form was made by Jaroslava Božanić , coordinator of the Cross-border Programme Serbia – Montenegro;

Budget was explained by Milan Marjanović, Tehnical Assistance Team member, Ministry of Finance, the Republic of Serbia;

The second part of information session was reserved for questions and discussion about the issues identified by potential applicants. Representatives of Ministry for European Integration of Montenegro and Ministry of Finance of Serbia tried to clarify all the details, but official answers will be published on the Programme website, section FAQ, once they are confirmed by both Delegations of the European Commission (in Serbia and Montenegro).

Information sessionsJoint Tehnical secretariat uses the opportunity to express gratitude to municipality Raška and municipality Prijepolje, and to Culture Centre Raška and Culture Centre Prijepolje,  for assistance in preparation and organization of the events.


Agenda Raska

Agenda Prijepolje

Presentations Raska, Prijepolje

Photos Raska, Prijepolje